Pregnancy may pass quickly for some women and very slowly for others. Inevitably, pregnancy does come to an end. Soon, it will be time for your baby to be born. You may have questions about labor and delivery. Write them down before your next prenatal appointment, to remind you to discuss them with your health care provider.
Plans that you will need to make
Choosing a Support Person
You may choose your husband, a partner, a friend, or a family member to be your support person while you are in the hospital. This person should be available at the time of your labor. Include your support person in your pregnancy by having him or her meet your health care provider before labor and being aware of your choices for labor and delivery.
If you do not have a support person, let your health care provider know. It is also helpful to let your health care provider know if you have any special requests or needs due to religious or cultural factors.
Pre-Register at your Birthing Center
You can register for delivery at either of our affiliate hospitals. Our office will provide you with a letter to facilitate your registration for delivery.
Plan for Transportation
A trial drive is helpful for you to know how long it will take and what hospital entrance to use and to locate the parking lot. Make sure that your car always has enough gas during the last month’s of pregnancy. Practice using your baby’s car seat, to make sure that you know how to fasten it correctly with your car’s seat belt.
Arrange for Child Care
If you have other children, it is necessary to arrange for child care. You may need to have one plan for daytime hours and one for the night.
What to Bring to the Hospital
Toiletries such as toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, comb and brush